The winery is located in the municipality of Erbusco, west of Brescia in the province of the same name in the east of the Italian region of Lombardy. Its origins go back to the purchase of a plot of land by Annamaria Clementi Zanella in the mid-1960s, which was surrounded by a dense forest of chestnut trees. In 1968, the first vines were planted by her son Maurizio Zanella. The latter studied in France at the University of Enology in Bordeaux and at the Station Oenologique de Bourgogne in Beaune. The French oenologist Émile Peynaud (1912-2004) was consulted when the vineyards were planted. Zanella enlisted the help of cellar master André Dubois from the Champagne house Moët et Chandon and Brian Larky from the University of California. Maurizio...
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