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Yeast bark

Natural product (also yeast extract, yeast cell wall) that is added to the grape must in powder form to support yeast propagation and performance. This is done before the pure yeast is added and before fermentation begins. Yeast activity is also supported by increasing the "inner surface area". Yeast rind ensures a rapid start to fermentation, even for musts with a high must weight such as Auslese and ice wine.

With the greatest possible residual sugar fermentation, this results in wines with a higher alcohol content due to the high adsorption power against fermentation-inhibiting substances such as fatty acids and pesticide residues. Toxic metabolic products such as sulphur compounds are also bound. Yeast bark supplements the yeast's nutrient supply and has a positive effect on the aromatic freshness of white wines. It is used as a supplement to yeast nutrient salts.

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