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Volume contraction

Term for the phenomenon of volume reduction when mixing several liquids if the total volume is smaller than the sum of the volumes of the individual components. For example, if 50 ml of water is mixed with 50 ml of ethanol, the result is a total volume of approx. 97 ml (and not an additive of 100 ml). The reason is the formation of additional bonding forces between the molecules (the so-called hydrogen bonding), which causes them to occupy a smaller space. Since the volume contraction is not linearly dependent on the mixing ratio, an exact specification can only be made in percent by weight; see under volume percent.

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Thomas Götz

Serious sources on the internet are rare - and Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one such source. When researching for my articles, I regularly consult the wein.plus encyclopaedia. There I get reliable and detailed information.

Thomas Götz
Weinberater, Weinblogger und Journalist; Schwendi

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