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DOC/DOCGarea for red wines in the north of the Italian region of Lombardy on the border with Switzerland and South Tyrol. The Swiss writer Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), who lived in this valley for a long time, repeatedly described it as his favourite wine. The military commander Prince Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein (1583-1634) was an excessive wine drinker until the age of 30. His doctor prescribed moderation due to gout problems and only recommended this red wine, which Wallenstein adhered to until his (violent) death. The wines produced here used to be called Veltliner, but there is no connection with the Austrian Veltliner varieties.

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Dr. Edgar Müller

I have great respect for the scope and quality of the wein.plus encyclopaedia. It is a unique place to go for crisp, sound information on terms from the world of wine.

Dr. Edgar Müller
Dozent, Önologe und Weinbauberater, Bad Kreuznach

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