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English term (tenth) for a half bottle of wine with a nominal volume of 0.35 (for a 0.7 litre bottle) or 0.375 litres (for a 0.75 litre bottle). The name refers to the fact that this quantity corresponds to approximately one tenth of an American gallon of 3.785 litres. However, there are also several other designations; see also 0.375 litre bottle, as well as bottles and wine containers.

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Dominik Trick

The wein.plus encyclopaedia is a comprehensive, well-researched reference work. Available anytime and anywhere, it has become an indispensable part of teaching, used by students and myself alike. Highly recommended!

Dominik Trick
Technischer Lehrer, staatl. geprüfter Sommelier, Hotelfachschule Heidelberg

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