Registered trademark for a screw cap made by the French company ALCAN Packaging Capsules, which manufactures all types of closures. STELVIN is an artificial word made up of STELCAP (registered trademark for screw caps) and VIN. It is a special aluminium closure for wine bottles. A further development is Stelvin lux+, which no longer has any corrugation on the outside and cannot be distinguished from a conventional cork. This even led to the fact that non-specialists initially tried to open the bottles with a corkscrew. The name STELVIN has become a synonym for screw tops, but there are also some other brands. In 2009, the ALCAN company introduced a special closure for champagne (sparkling wine) called MAESTRO, which was developed with the Duval-Leroy champagne house.
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Sigi Hiss
freier Autor und Weinberater (Fine, Vinum u.a.), Bad Krozingen