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The traditional winery is located in the municipality of Niederhausen in the German wine-growing region of Nahe. It was founded in 1575 and is now run by Jakob and Monika Schneider. Their son Jakob is actively involved in the business and is responsible for the Junior Auslese. The vineyards, 80% of which are on steep slopes, cover 15 hectares of vineyards in the Felsensteyer, Hermannshöhle, Kertz, Klamm, Rosenberg and Rosenheck (Niederhausen), as well as Dellchen and Kirschheck (Norheim) sites. They are 90% planted with Riesling (13.5 ha), as well as Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Dornfelder, Silvaner and Pinot Noir. In the vineyard, great importance is attached to the preservation of the soil flora and fauna, which is achieved through gentle plant protection. To increase the quality of the grapes, the pruning is greatly reduced. The musts are fermented cooled in smaller tanks or oak barrels with a target duration of three to four weeks. Noble sweet wines are a speciality of the house.

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Prof. Dr. Walter Kutscher
Lehrgangsleiter Sommelierausbildung WIFI-Wien

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