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A historical liquid measure for wine, which usually referred to a wooden barrel or container with varying volumes. The term derives from "Fassbinden" (see also under cooper). In today's language, this means wine bottled in a barrel or tank of unspecified quantity. In a broader sense, it can also characterize the wine quality; wine bottled exclusively in a container, thus not in bottles, is usually of simple quality, referred to as barrel wine or draft wine. The term is also generally used for wine vessels of all kinds made from various materials (wood, ceramics, stainless steel). Containers made from different materials: 1 = Amphora made from Cocciopesto (air lime mortar), 2 = Plastic egg (GFK, PET, polyethylene, PVC, PVDC), 3 = Concrete egg, 4 = Stainless steel tank, 5 = Wooden barrel, 6 = Granite barrel. Other meanings: "Gebinde" can also have another meaning, or there are specific terminology conventions in different industries. For example, it refers to a trade and loading unit for goods distribution. Here, similar or different products are combined into a single order to ensure better handling in logistics. See also under barrel types, barrel, and wine vessels.

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Markus J. Eser

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Markus J. Eser
Weinakademiker und Herausgeber „Der Weinkalender“

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