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The "Weinkellerei Rebhalde" in the Swiss canton of Zurich is situated on a terrace above the Lattenberg in the west of the community of Stäfa and offers a unique panoramic view of Lake Zurich and the Alps. The family estate is managed by Werner Hohl and his son Hanueli. The vineyards on the Lattenberg comprise eight hectares of vines. They are planted with Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Gamay x Reichenstein (Garanoir), Gewürztraminer, Kerner, Lemberger (Blaufränkisch), Merlot, Muscat Blanc, Pinot Noir, Räuschling, Regent, Riesling x Sylvaner (Müller-Thurgau) and Seyval Blanc. From these, mostly varietal wines are pressed. Among the specialities are various wines from Pinot Noir. These are a late vintage, a red wine matured in barrique, a white pressed Weißherbst and a rosé. Other wines are "Lattenberger Cuvée Blanc" (Kerner, Federweißer, Muscat) and "Lattenberger Cuvée Barrique" (Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir). A sparkling wine "Zürisee-Chlöpfer" (Blauburgunder, Räuschling) and a straw wine (Pinot Noir) are also produced.

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Dominik Trick

The wein.plus encyclopaedia is a comprehensive, well-researched reference work. Available anytime and anywhere, it has become an indispensable part of teaching, used by students and myself alike. Highly recommended!

Dominik Trick
Technischer Lehrer, staatl. geprüfter Sommelier, Hotelfachschule Heidelberg

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