The white grape variety is a new variety between Bicane x Pinot, which was last confirmed by DNA analyses in 2013. Synonyms include Blanc Précoce de Malingre, Chasselas de Tramontaner, Dr Schmidtmanns, Early Malingre, Früher Gelber Malinger, Früher Gelber Malingre, Frühreifender Malingre, Madeleine Blanche de Malingre, Malenga, Malinger, Malingre, Malingre Precoce and Précoce Blanc. The cross is said to have been made in 1840 near Paris by a gardener named Malingre. It was a crossing partner of the new varieties Agostenga Rosa, Augustriesling, Goldriesling (1), Louisette, Madeleine Céline, Revolta and Zarya Severa, as well as Baron, Bronner, Cabernet Carbon, Prior and Souvignier Gris via the Geisenheim GM 6494. An open-pollinated descendant is Seyanet's Malengra.
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Dr. Christa Hanten
Fachjournalistin, Lektorin und Verkosterin, Wien