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Synonym (also pound grape) for the grape variety Schiava Grossa; see there.

The red grape variety originates from Italy (South Tyrol). Around 160 synonyms attest to the high age and wide distribution of the vine. The most important, grouped alphabetically by countries, are Black Hamburg, Black Hamburgh, Garston Black Hamburgh, Hampton Court, Pope Hamburgh, Prince Albert, Queen Victoria, Victoria, Victoria Hamburgh (England); Admiral, Egyptian, Egyptian, Bachtraube, Bammerer, Bilsenroth, Blue Trollinger, Blue Wingertshäuser, Bocksauge, Bocksbeutelrebe, Bommerer, Dachtraube, Yellow-wooded Black-blue Trollinger, Frankenthaler, Hammelshoden, Hammelsschelle, Hammelssohlen, Hudler, Huttler, Kreuzertraube, Lamper, Lampers, Lambert, Mohrendutte, Pfundtraube, Black-blue Trollinger, Schwarzwelscher, South Tyrolean Kurtraube, Trollinger, Zottelwälscher (Germany); Bruxelloise, Grand Noir, Gros Bleu, Gros Noir, Gros Plant Grand Noir, Raisin Bleu (France); Bresciana, Bressana, Schiavone, Schiavone di Merano Nera, Uva Meranese, Uva Nera d’Amburgo (Italy); Edelvernatsch, Großvernatsch, Meraner Kurtraube, Tschaggele, Vernatsch (South Tyrol). According to the report of the papal legate...

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Egon Mark
Diplom-Sommelier, Weinakademiker und Weinberater, Volders (Österreich)

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