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The white grape variety originates from the border region Italy (Gorizia)-Slovenia (Goricia). There are over 30 synonyms, some of which are Balafant, Kék Nyelli, Kiknyelue, Picciolito del Friuli, Piccoleto, Piccoleto Bianco, Piccolit, Piccolito, Piccolito Bianco, Piccolito del Friuli, Piccolito Friulano, Picolit Bianco, Piculit, Pikolit, Uva del Friuli, White Pikolit, White Blaustingel, White Ranful. The parentage is unknown. According to several DNA analyses, the two Hungarian varieties Balafánt and Kéknyelű, which until then had often been considered identical, were recognised as distinct. The red variety Piculit Neri (Picolit Nero) is not (as often assumed) a colour mutation. It is not known whether there is a genetic connection to the white variety Picolit Giallo. According to one hypothesis, the Picolit variety was supposedly already known to the Romans. However, there is no historical or botanical evidence for this. In any case, it is a very old variety.

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Roman Horvath MW

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Roman Horvath MW
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