Bird species (lat. Perdix perdix) from the order of fowl, which prefers steppe and heathland landscapes in large parts of Europe and Asia. Partridges feed mainly on seeds, wild herbs and cereal grains, and in autumn they also appear as birds of prey in vineyards, snacking on grapes. In Italy the name Occhio di Pernice and in France Oeil de perdrix (partridge's eye) is commonly used for the salmon red colour of a rosé-like wine. This derives from the wax ring around the eyes (rose field), which turns crimson during the mating season.
Picture left: By david galavan - grey partridge at turvey, CC BY 2.0, link
Image right: by Stephen D on Pixabay
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Technischer Lehrer, staatl. geprüfter Sommelier, Hotelfachschule Heidelberg