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Term (also known as Artisan Wine, Naked Wine, Vin Nature or colloquially, but not permitted under wine law, natural wine) for rustic-tasting wines, some of which are produced using old methods and belong to the group of alternative wines. This also includes Raw Wine and orange wine. Internationally, "natural wines" is the umbrella term under which "raw wines" can also be categorised.

Pétillant Naturel

The sparkling products are known as Pétillant Naturel or Pét Nat. The natural wine movement began in France in the 1980s. The two winegrowers Jules Chauvet (1907-1989) and Jacques Néauport are regarded as pioneers. They began experimenting with how to produce wine without the use of antioxidants and sulphur and with as little intervention as possible in the cellar.

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Lothar Lindner

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