Term for grape must obtained from grapes by mechanical methods (not to be confused with grape juice produced by further treatment). However, a distinction must be made between the free-run must must obtained by automatic draining and the pressed must obtained by subsequent pressing. The composition of the must and its ingredients are of great importance for the quality of the subsequent wine. Due to the sugar and other nutrients it contains, must is a very good breeding ground for yeasts and bacteria.
Without appropriate measures such as pasteurisation or filtration, fermentation sets in very quickly. The must is heavily enriched with carbon dioxide and therefore foams with a corresponding noise development. The ingredients also determine the necessary must treatment steps. The unit of measurement for expressing the relative density is called...
In the past, you needed a wealth of encyclopaedias and specialist literature to keep up to date in your vinophile professional life. Today, Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one of my best helpers and can rightly be called the "bible of wine knowledge".
Prof. Dr. Walter Kutscher
Lehrgangsleiter Sommelierausbildung WIFI-Wien