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single vineyard in the municipality of Randersacker (Maindreieck area) in the German growing region of Franconia. The name is not derived from the planet Mars, but from the word "morsch" due to the dominant rock debris. The vineyards, which face southwest, south and southeast at an altitude of 180 to 290 metres above sea level with a slope of 20 to 65%, cover 37 hectares of vineyards. They extend relatively far into the transverse valley of the Jakobbach. The "Spielberg" vineyard in the central Prallhang is considered particularly privileged. The soils consist of extremely stony shell limestone. The two varieties Silvaner and Riesling are cultivated here. The wineries Arnold Wilhelm, Bürgerspital, Göbel Martin, Schmachtenberger Berthold, Schmitts Kinder, Staatlicher Hofkeller Würzburg, Störrlein and Trockene Schmitts, for example, have shares in the site.

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Lothar Lindner

If I were to rate websites, you would deserve the highest rating. It is rare to come across websites that provide such a large amount of data and are still so intuitive to use. Respect for the lovingly researched and informatively prepared encyclopedia. Keep it up!

Lothar Lindner

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