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The enzyme is found in bacteria, yeasts, plants and fungi. It was first localized in yeast in 1846. Synonyms are fructosidase, glucosucrase, invertin, saccharase and sucrase. The human digestive tract also contains very similar enzymes with the same function, but called glucosidases. Invertase breaks down sucrose (household sugar) into its two components glucose (glucose) and fructose (fruit sugar), which is called hydrolysis or inversion. The resulting mixture of glucose, fructose and sucrose residue is called invert sugar. In the food industry, invertase obtained from yeast is used to keep confectionery soft or to liquefy it in a targeted manner. The enzyme is also found in grapes, where it splits and stores the sucrose formed during photosynthesis in the leaves and transported to the berries during ripening into the two types of sugar. From there, during pressing, they pass into the grape must and form the basis for alcoholic fermentation.

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Lehrgangsleiter Sommelierausbildung WIFI-Wien

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