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The winery is located in the municipality of Mercatale Valdarno in the province of Arezzo in Tuscany, northeast of Siena. It was founded in the 1970s by German advertising manager Wolf D. Rogosky. The occasion was the acquaintance of the agronomist Remigio Bordini, who had discovered a red grape variety in an old vineyard and selected it. After parenthood it was called Caberlot(Cabernet Franc x Merlot). Rogosky planted the vine on two hectares with very dense planting in order to keep the yields as low as possible, with a maximum of 30 hl/ha. The oenologist Dr. Vittorio Fiore acted as consultant. The vineyard is cultivated according to the rules of "Lutte Raisonnée"(Integrated Pest Management) without chemical agents or fertilization. Today the winery is managed by Bettina and Moritz Rogosky; Peter Schilling is responsible as cellar master.

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Andreas Essl

The glossary is a monumental achievement and one of the most important contributions to wine knowledge. Of all the encyclopaedias I use on the subject of wine, it is by far the most important. That was the case ten years ago and it hasn't changed since.

Andreas Essl
Autor, Modena

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