The white grape variety (also UD-34.111) is an interspecific new breeding between Tocai (Friulano = Sauvignonasse) x Kozma 20-3. By the way, the Soreli variety was also created with the same parents. It contains genes of Vitis amurensis, Vitis berlandieri, Vitis rupestris and Vitis vinifera. The hybrid was crossed in 2002 in Italy by the breeders Simone Diego Castellarin, Guido Cipriani and Gabriele Di Gaspero. The early-maturing vine is resistant to frost down to minus 23° Celsius and both types of mildew. It is grown in small quantities in Switzerland in the canton of Ticino. In 2016, a stand of 0.1 hectares was reported (Kym Anderson statistics).
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Sigi Hiss
freier Autor und Weinberater (Fine, Vinum u.a.), Bad Krozingen