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The Federal Association of Organic Vineyards in Germany, based in Oppenheim (Rhineland-Palatinate), was founded in 1985 by twenty organic winegrowers from the wine-growing regions of Rheinhessen, Pfalz, Mosel and Baden. At that time it was called "Bundesverband ökologischer Weinbau e. V". ECOVIN is the only German winegrowers' association with exclusively organic (Ökologischer) viticulture. There are regional associations in the individual German wine-growing regions, whose 235 member farms cultivate around 1,900 hectares of vines. This makes up about a quarter of the German organic vineyard area. This makes ECOVIN the largest association specialising in viticulture not only in Germany but also worldwide. All products produced according to these rules, such as grapes, grape juice, wine and sparkling wine, are one hundred percent organically grown. Wines produced according to these rules comply with the EU Organic Regulation and can be declared and marketed as organic wines (Ökoweine). Member wineries have not been allowed to have any conventional farm branches since 2023.

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Thorsten Rahn

The Wine lexicon helps me to keep up to date and refresh my knowledge. Thank you for this Lexicon that will never end in terms of topicality! That's what makes it so exciting to come back often.

Thorsten Rahn
Restaurantleiter, Sommelier, Weindozent und Autor; Dresden

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