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The white grape variety originates from Greece. Synonyms include Debina Metsovou, Debina Palea, Dempina, Ntempina, and Zitsa. It should not be confused with the two Albanian varieties Debina Kala and Debina Teki (although possibly related) or (due to similar synonym) Tsitska. The wine produced from it was praised by the British poet George Gordon Byron, alias 'Lord Byron' (1788-1824), who participated in the Greek War of Independence. The late-ripening vine is susceptible to Botrytis and sensitive to drought. It produces lively, acidic white wines with a typical apple aroma, which are well-suited for the production of sparkling wine. It is also used as a table grape. The variety is mainly cultivated in the regions of Epirus in the appellation Zitsa, on the Peloponnese, and in Thessaly. In 2016, 14 hectares of vineyard area were recorded, with a declining trend (Kym Anderson). Source: Wine Grapes / J. Robinson, J. Harding, J. Vouillamoz / Penguin Books Ltd. 2012 Image: photo archive National Interprofessional Organization of Vine and Wine.

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