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English slang term for "creature" or "type". The term was popularised by the 1986 US science fiction film "Critters" by Stephen Herek, in which small alien monsters (image 6) with razor-sharp, poisonous teeth wreak havoc. In the wine industry, this term has become established for the inexpensive branded wines from overseas that became fashionable at the beginning of the 21st century, with various animals serving as trademarks.

Critters -  5 Etiketten mit Tieren und Critters-Filmplakat

Examples include the yellow kangaroo of the Australian brand Yellow Tail (image 2) and the No. 1 Australian branded wine in the USA called Foxhorn (image 3) with a fox on the label. These brands are often categorised as Coca Cola wines (wines with a consistent style). See also under artist's label.

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