Term for a wine quality level that goes back to the earlier term Cabinet for a special wine cellar with special grapes in the Eberbach monastery in the Rheingau. According to German wine law, Kabinett is the lowest level of Prädikat wine. In Austria, on the other hand, Kabinett does not count as a Prädikat wine level, but classifies a superior quality wine. See also under quality system.
For the production of alcoholic beverages, see Champagne (sparkling wines), Distillation (distillates), Speciality wines, Spirits (types), Winemaking (wines and wine types) and Wine law (wine law issues).
The glossary is a monumental achievement and one of the most important contributions to wine knowledge. Of all the encyclopaedias I use on the subject of wine, it is by far the most important. That was the case ten years ago and it hasn't changed since.
Andreas Essl
Autor, Modena