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The "Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier" (Trier Episcopal Wineries), with its headquarters in Trier, was formed in 1966 through the merger of the previously independent wineries of the shareholders. The partners are the "Hohe Domkirche Trier" (founded in 1851), the "Bischöfliches Priesterseminar Trier" (founded in 1773) and the "Bischöfliches Konvikt Trier" (founded in 1840). All three thus have an extremely long tradition in viticulture and were among the founding members of the Association of Natural Wine Auctioneers (today VDP), whose philosophy of producing wines with "natural alcohol content" at that time is still shared by the Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier today. Dr Karsten Weyand is the managing director of the winery. Johannes Becker is responsible for oenology; Klaus Backes and Stephan Bigus act as winery managers.

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Dr. Christa Hanten

For my many years of work as an editor with a wine and culinary focus, I always like to inform myself about special questions at Wine lexicon. Spontaneous reading and following links often leads to exciting discoveries in the wide world of wine.

Dr. Christa Hanten
Fachjournalistin, Lektorin und Verkosterin, Wien

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