The winery is located in the municipality of Hohen-Sülzen (Wonnegau area) near the city of Worms in the German wine-growing region of Rheinhessen. Hans-Oliver Spanier took over his parents' business in 1991 and four years later merged with the neighbouring Battenfeld winery. In 2006, he married Carolin Gillot from the Kühling-Gillot winery (Bodenheim, in the Nierstein area), but the two brands continue to be run or produced separately. Hans-Oliver Spanier was uncompromisingly committed to the principle of origin from the very beginning: "You can only talk about terroirif you respect and preserve the soil and its micro-organisms. Otherwise there is no terroir..“
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Egon Mark
Diplom-Sommelier, Weinakademiker und Weinberater, Volders (Österreich)