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The white grape variety is an interspecific new breed between Folle Blanche x Noah. Synonyms include Baco 221, Baco Alb, Baco Blanche, Maurice Baco, Piquepoul de Pays, and Piquepoul du Gers. It contains genes from Vitis labrusca, Vitis riparia, and Vitis vinifera. The crossing of the hybrid occurred in 1898 by the French breeder François Baco (1865-1947). The late-ripening vine is susceptible to chlorosis, flavescence dorée, and both mildew types, but is resistant to botrytis. The berries have a subtle foxton. Until the 1970s, it was a main component of Armagnac. Due to the EU ban, it was replaced by Ugni Blanc (Trebbiano Toscano) and has been significantly uprooted. In 2016, it occupied 528 hectares of vineyard area in France, with a declining trend (Kym Anderson). Source: Wine Grapes / J. Robinson, J. Harding, J. Vouillamoz / Penguin Books Ltd. 2012. Images: Ursula Brühl, Doris Schneider, Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI).

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