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The Electoral Palatinate-Bavarian court official Johann Lambert Gregor Reichsfreiherr von Babo (1725-1799) was town clerk in Mannheim and Weinheim in Baden-Württemberg. He was the founder of the dynasty of the Barons von Babo, which produced several important winegrowers. His son Lambert Joseph Leopold von Babo (1790-1862) first studied law and then chemistry. After attending the 1st higher agricultural training institute in Möglin a. d. Oder, his agricultural inclination was encouraged. After agricultural study trips, he settled as an estate owner in Weinheim. In 1832 he founded the agricultural association garden with the pomologist Johann Metzger (1789-1852). Here, mainly seeds were cultivated and tested. As an agronomist and oenologist, he wrote some important works such as "Die Wein- und Tafeltrauben der deutschen Weinberge und Gärten" (1836 with Metzger), "Der Weinstock und seine Varietäten" (1844) with the grape varieties of the time, and "Die Hauptgrundsätze des Ackerbaus" (1851).

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