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The red grape variety originates from Greece. Synonyms are Athiri Noir, Mavratheri, Mavrathero, Mavrathira, Mavrathiri and Mavrathiro. According to an unverifiable hypothesis, the purple-coloured "Theraios Oinos" mentioned by the physician Galen (129-216) was pressed from it. It is believed that the variety (among many others) was used for the production of the famous Malvasia wines, which were shipped or exported from the historic Greek port of Monemvasia as early as the 13th century. The variety is mainly used as a blend for Mandilaria. It is grown on a small scale on some Cycladic islands such as Santorini. However, no stocks were reported in 2016 (Kym Anderson). The white variety Athiri Aspro is a colour mutation (or vice versa).

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Egon Mark
Diplom-Sommelier, Weinakademiker und Weinberater, Volders (Österreich)

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