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Abbreviation for "Anything But Chardonnay (Cabernet)", in German "Alles außer Chardonnay (oder Cabernet Sauvignon)". From the 1980s onwards, a preference developed worldwide for the two grape varieties Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon, both on the part of producers and consumers. It was considered particularly "chic" or "in" to favour wines from these two varieties. Wine connoisseurs expressed their displeasure and weariness by creating the above-mentioned winged phrase in protest.

ABC - Chardonnay und Cabernet Sauvignon Traube

Incidentally, these two are among the most frequently cultivated and noblest varieties and are considered cépages nobles. The ABC phenomenon also brought about a turnaround, with the result that other varieties became interesting again. The term "ABC style" is also used rather pejoratively for wines with a special style, in which wines from Chardonnay, but also from other varieties such as Sauvignon Blanc, were developed. These wines have a high alcohol content, a slightly sweet flavour and a distinctive woody note (toasty aroma). See also under Coca-Cola wines and branded wines.

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Prof. Dr. Walter Kutscher

In the past, you needed a wealth of encyclopaedias and specialist literature to keep up to date in your vinophile professional life. Today, Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one of my best helpers and can rightly be called the "bible of wine knowledge".

Prof. Dr. Walter Kutscher
Lehrgangsleiter Sommelierausbildung WIFI-Wien

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